It's a honor for me to welcome you! My name is Carl aka GraffStreety and this is my very first website.

To start with this paragraph, i would like to say that im terrible in writing bios so i would like to just make it clear and wholesome with an attempt not to make a mess. About coding however, im still a beginner
and i dont know pretty much anything about it
so i'll be glad if anyone ever sees this, and yet if so.. i wanna thank to this person whom i let to explore my lil' corner of all this website contains :)
DINOMANIACS.ORG is one of my projects that i finally decided to accomplish and by the name of it, the whole complex of this website speaks for itself (for those who dont know, im a huge dino lover).
As many people can clearly tell, i love being on computer since 2008, and yet this interest has grown rapidly due to my admiration to The Old Net (and due to the pandemic ofc). I guess ya'll can call me a "computer person" :D (2008 is when i was born).
Besides my interests, i like to search up about other people as such as their stories, ideas, interests, events, etc. Im also trying to be open and honest about my struggles that crossed my life yet from early age and by this small piece of my pipedream,i want to talk to people and express every ups and downs that life gives.This page will work as my personal hobby where i'll be sharing my presentation, opinions, notes, updates, bookmarks, interests(as i mentioned), lyrics & qotes, gallery of my digital art/portfolio including my own stickers and other graphyc stuff as well. To read more
About Me, click on "About Me". Enjoy the DinoNet! Thank you for visiting!:D